How Dangerous is Koh Tao Really?

When traveling abroad, it’s important to do research into your destination before you travel. This can help you avoid dangerous situations and areas while abroad. If you’re traveling to the island of Koh Tao in the Thai gulf, you might have heard about the British tourists who were murdered there in 2014. If this has you wondering how dangerous the island really is, then keep reading! 

Past crimes, including the murder of two British tourists, have resulted in a negative reputation for the Thai island of Koh Tao. However, despite these crimes, Koh Tao is not considered more dangerous than neighboring tourist islands like Koh Samui and Koh Phangan. It is possible to have a safe holiday in Koh Tao by following a few simple safety guidelines. 

In this article, we’ll look at your safety while traveling to Thailand, from the coronavirus pandemic to what to expect in terms of crime – especially for those traveling to Koh Tao. At the end of the article, we’ll break down some safety tips that will help keep you and your loved ones safe while traveling around Thailand. 

Your Safety While Traveling 

When it comes down to traveling abroad, there are many different considerations to take into account. Regardless of where you’re traveling, it’s important to practice caution while you’re abroad. After all, you’re likely venturing out of the comfort zone that is your home country. 

Even if you’ve visited your chosen destination before, it’s important to thoroughly research your destination before embarking on your journey. Of course, you will have done the obvious research into lodging, restaurants, and activities to keep yourself busy while traveling. 

However, your research shouldn’t stop there! You’ll want to get to know the area you’re traveling to before you even arrive there. By doing this, you’ll feel more at ease once you arrive – and isn’t that the goal of any holiday? 

Surely you don’t want to get to your destination feeling more stressed than you were before you arrived. Doing your research beforehand will allow you to successfully and safely find your way around while traveling. Furthermore, amidst an ongoing pandemic, the word ‘safely’ takes on different meanings. 

On the one hand, there’s more risk of traveling during the pandemic, especially as many countries face their third wave of COVID-19 infections. Many countries, as they continue to battle the Coronavirus, have implemented changes to regulations, from alcohol restrictions to nightly curfews. 

Of course, these regulation changes are made to protect the health and safety of people during the pandemic. However, these regulations could impact your trip abroad. This is one aspect you need to account for while keeping your own health in mind. 

Another safety aspect in terms of traveling is personal safety. Oftentimes, tourists are the targets of criminals. When traveling abroad, it’s easy for criminals to take advantage of the naivety of those visiting their country. 

Luckily, by doing your research beforehand, you can try to avoid finding yourself in this type of situation while traveling abroad. Luckily, if you’re traveling to Koh Toa in Thailand, you’re in the right place. Keep reading as we break down everything you should know before planning your holiday!

Thailand Safety Breakdown 

As discussed above, there are currently two different safety aspects to take into account when traveling abroad amidst a pandemic: safety from COVID-19 infection and safety from crime. If you’re traveling to Thailand, these are the various safety concerns you should be aware of before your travels! 

COVID in Thailand 

Let’s first take a look at the ‘newer’ safety concern in terms of traveling to Thailand: the coronavirus. As of writing this, Thailand is still facing its third wave of COVID infections like many other countries. 

The Thai health officials have warned that, while traveling around the many islands in Thailand, there is an increased risk of spreading the virus around the country. Due to this, Thailand has had stricter travel restrictions during the past year. They even put an end to their iconic Full Moon parties due to the virus. 

Luckily, many countries are currently vaccinating their populations. Thailand has recently eased many of its stricter travel restrictions. Visitors are still required to quarantine upon arrival in Thailand. However, the length of this quarantine will be shorter for vaccinated travelers. 

However, you may be wondering what the visa application process has been like during this ongoing pandemic. You’ll be relieved to know that since December 2020, visitors from any country listed on the Visa Exemption List do not need to get a Thai visa to travel there for tourism. Currently, tourists entering the country via the exemption list scheme can stay in Thailand for up to 45 days. 

For anyone planning to enter Thailand during the COVID pandemic – both Thai nationals and foreigners alike – there’s another crucial aspect to keep in mind. While you might not need a visa to travel to Thailand for your holiday, you will need a valid Certificate of Entry (COE). 

This above-mentioned certificate is issued to those permitted to enter Thailand. Essentially, the certificate confirms that you meet the entry requirements set out by the Thai government. There are helpful guides online as to how you can obtain a COE through your local Thai embassy. 

In order to travel to Thailand, you’ll also need to provide proof of an insurance policy that covers you in the event that you can contract the coronavirus. Furthermore, you’ll need to take a PCR test 72 hours before you fly and one after arrival before quarantining at an approved facility or hotel. 

Once you’ve completed the mandatory quarantining period in Thailand, you’ll be able to begin exploring the beautiful islands. Of course, while exploring, you’ll need to take more than just COVID-19 precautions; you’ll need to take safety precautions. 

Crime in Thailand 

Now that we’ve discussed the safety measures that Thailand requires you to take before entering the country, let’s take a look at what you can expect when you’re there in terms of crime and safety!

In general, Thailand is a safe country for tourists. This is reflected in the many great reviews from those that visit the many beautiful Thai islands. In terms of Southeast Asian tourist destinations, Thailand is rated as the safest country for tourists. 

While Thailand has a history of unrest and conflict in parts of their country, you do not commonly hear about crimes in the tourist destinations of Thailand. However, this doesn’t mean that visitors shouldn’t be cautious when traveling to the different Thai islands. 

At the end of this article, we’ll look at general safety tips to be mindful of when traveling to Thailand. However, in terms of areas to avoid in Thailand, the United States Department of State has warned people to avoid the Yala, Narathiwat, Pattani, and Songkhla provinces due to the racial conflicts there. 

Instead, you should focus on the more tourist-driven Thai destinations in the north. In the Thai gulf, there are three tourist islands that are very popular among visitors every year. The biggest of these three islands is Koh Samui, which is the most developed island of the three, followed by Koh Phangan as the second biggest. 

The third of these islands, and the smallest of them, is Koh Tao. Every year, an average of 25 million tourists travel to Thailand. Of these 25 million visitors, only 2% of them visit Koh Tao. That’s only half a million people. 

The reason for the low percentage of visitors to Koh Tao could be due to a crime that made international headlines in 2014 when two British citizens were found brutally murdered on the island. Therefore, as a tourist to Thailand, you have to ask: how dangerous is Koh Tao really? 

Is Koh Tao Really Dangerous?  

In recent decades, the popularity of Koh Tao has grown remarkably. In fact, the Thai island was unoccupied until the 1940s. The first resort on the island was built in the early 80s. Since then, the island has gradually seen more visitors. 

Compared to other popular Thai tourist destinations, Koh Tao is described as slightly more undeveloped than its counterpart islands. However, this is understandable when one considers the above facts about the island. 

Due to this, the island typically attracts a younger demographic—specifically, young backpackers looking to explore Thailand without breaking the bank. The 2014 murder of two British backpackers, among other crimes, has fueled the island’s darker reputation when compared to other tourist destinations in Thailand. 

The suspicious deaths of Rakeshwar Sachathamakul and his wife Anshoo – a Thai-Indian billionaire couple – in a pool in Koh Tao in June 2020 has further fueled the island’s negative reputation. Police, however, stated that they detected no signs of foul play and believed their deaths to be tragic freak accidents. 

Given these various crimes that have taken place in Koh Tao, many tourists are wondering about whether or not it’s too dangerous to visit the seemingly idyllic island. Is this island really more dangerous than the neighboring tourist islands? 

The answer is no; Koh Tao isn’t more dangerous than the neighboring islands. The reason the murders that took place there in 2014 were so shocking is that it was almost unheard of on the island that had previously been described as peaceful. 

Despite its reputation, Koh Tao is no more dangerous than your average island in Thailand – or anywhere, for that matter. After all, Thailand is considered the least dangerous country to visit in Southeast Asia! Ultimately, there’s no destination in the world where safety can be fully guaranteed. 

At the end of the day, travelers need to practice caution when venturing overseas and out of their home comfort zones. Practicing mindfulness in terms of your own safety while traveling abroad will help keep you safe throughout your trips. Keep reading as we break down some key tips for having a safe trip in Thailand! 

5 Tips for Traveling Safely in Thailand 

Unfortunately, crime is a reality in many countries across the world. However, over time, we become complacent in terms of what to expect crime-wise in our home countries. When it comes down to staying safe while traveling abroad, these are the top tips to keep in mind to keep you safe throughout your journey! 

#1 Be Wary of Who You Trust 

When you’re traveling, you should always be cautious when meeting strangers. This pertains to whether you’re out exploring the islands or in your hotel room. You should trust your gut instincts when meeting anyone. If someone claiming to be hotel personnel is trying to get access to your room, for example, you should contact the front desk to verify this information. 

#2 Don’t Draw Attention to Yourself 

While traveling, it’s easy to stick out as a tourist amongst all the local people on the various islands. However, you should try to blend in as much as possible. It is a widely known fact that people who very obviously appear to be from out of town are more commonly targeted by criminals. 

For example, you should be discreet when checking maps or asking for directions. As innocent as these actions appear, they could single you out as a lost tourist. Criminals could take advantage of your vulnerability in these situations. It would be better to study a map before leaving your hotel rooms so that you’re prepared for your journey and won’t need to constantly check maps. 

This leads us to the following point…

#3 Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Another important aspect of traveling abroad is to be aware of your surroundings – and we’re not just talking about the stunning views. You want to ensure you use your peripheral vision while traveling about the islands. You should also be cautious about using headphones as these block out sounds that could alert you to a threat. 

When approaching a new area, whether you’re walking into a room or turning a corner into a different street, you should critically observe your surroundings and the people in them. If something seems off, you’ll be better equipped to remove yourself from the risky situation. 

#4 Be Aware of Theft and Fraud

Tourists are typically magnets for petty theft, crime, and scams while traveling abroad. Petty criminals and con artists prey on the naivety of foreign tourists. However, if you’re aware of this risk, you’ll be able to prevent it from happening to you. 

You should try to keep your most important items – such as your passport, credit cards, money, and cellphone – on your person to prevent them from being stolen in your lodging. However, you should also be cautious of pickpockets. 

Tourists should avoid loose handbags or backpacks, as these are easy to lose or have stolen in crowded spaces. Instead, it’s better to make use of a money belt that can be attached around your waist while exploring. You’ll be able to keep your important effects in your money belt. 

#5 Keep Your Loved Ones Updated 

When traveling abroad, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of it all! However, it’s important to keep your loved ones updated on your movements – whether they’re traveling with you or back at home. Before your travels, you should send a copy of your vacation itinerary to a trusted friend or loved one. 

While traveling, you should regularly check in with your loved ones about your movements. You could even share your live location with a loved one while exploring the breathtaking islands. Ensuring that someone knows where you are will help you feel safe while traveling abroad. 


In this article, we looked at everything you need to know about traveling to Koh Tao. From COVID-19 safety precautions and regulations to general safety measures to take while traveling, there is much to keep in mind when planning a safe visit to Thailand. By doing your research before your departure, you can ensure you have a safe and stress-free holiday! 

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