How Hard is it to Learn Muay Thai?

Are you interested in learning Muay Thai but worried about whether this martial art is for you or not? Would you like to know how hard it is to learn and become good at Muay Thai? We have all the answers for you in this article, so just continue reading to learn the difficulty involved in learning Muay Thai.

The truth is that Muay Thai is hard to learn, especially if you are a beginner with little or no previous experience. Also called the art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai requires you to use your legs, elbows, knees, and fists during the fight. When compared to most other martial arts, Muay Thai is undoubtedly one of the hardest things to learn. However, despite the complexity of learning this martial art, you can master it if you have the right mindset and training.

Basically, some factors make it hard to learn Muay Thai. But if you are ready to face the obstacles and train regularly, you can become one of the best Muay Thai fighters. Nonetheless, we will explain a few things that make Muay Thai hard to learn.

Why it is hard to learn Muay Thai

These are some of the reasons why it may be hard to learn Muay Thai:

  • It takes a long period to learn it

The first reason for the difficulty involved in learning Muay Thai is the fact that martial art is not easy to learn. According to One Shot MMA, you have to spend around 6 months before you can understand the basics of Muay Thai techniques. With this period, your fitness level should also be good.

However, knowing the basics is just the beginning of your learning experience as you must master how to apply the techniques. So, if you want to become a good Muay Thai fighter, you need to invest about 2 years of regular training. To become an expert in Muay Thai, you will need to spend around 7 to 10 years learning the art.

  • It can be painful to learn it

Another factor that can make learning Muay Thai difficult for you is the pain that comes with it. Like other martial arts, you cannot undergo regular Muay Thai training or fight without having injuries. The injuries can affect your arms, legs, knees, elbows, chin, and other parts of the body. In fact, lots of beginners have stopped training and practicing Muay Thai because of the pain involved.

Factors that may ease how to learn Muay Thai

As shown above, it is hard to learn Muay Thai as it is usually painful and requires lots of time to master. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you cannot learn Muay Thai as some factors can ease the process of learning the art. The factors include:

  • Your natural ability

Some individuals are more naturally inclined to master the different techniques of Muay Thai than others. Therefore, the importance of your natural ability in this martial art cannot be overemphasized. Nonetheless, if you don’t have the natural ability, you can still learn Muay Thai as long as you are persistent and focused on the art. Although it may be more difficult for you than people with natural ability, you can still achieve a lot with good training.

  • Your skill level

Are you already physically active? Do you practice other types of martial arts? If yes, you will have a head start to learn Muay Thai easily. When you are already good at martial art, it will be easier for you to learn Muay Thai. This is because you would have mastered some techniques that you can apply to Muay Thai.

However, this doesn’t mean that a beginner cannot learn the art. Just stay motivated and continue improving your skills.

  • Your consistency and readiness to learn

If you want to learn a new language, martial art, etc., you are bound to deal with a wide range of challenges. But if you can dedicate lots of time and other resources to your training, you can learn Muay Thai without any issue. Of course, things will be difficult at the beginning, but as you continue training, you will get better at the art.

Don’t relent in learning different techniques and practicing until you have reached your desired level. The more and longer you train, the better you will become at this martial art.

  • The right mentality

Your mentality can also influence how difficult it will be for you to learn Muay Thai. If you have it in mind that Muay Thai will be hard for you to learn, you will encounter lots of difficulties. However, if you have made up your mind that you will master the art without much hassle, everything will look easy for you. Even if you are experiencing difficulties with learning Muay Thai, your mentality will make a big difference in the outcome of the training.

  • The ability of your trainer

The ability of your trainer can also ease your learning experience. With the help of a seasoned and well-versed trainer, it will be easy for you to learn Muay Thai. This is because the trainer will use simple yet effective methods to help you to master Muay Thai techniques. Besides, such a trainer will also teach you patiently; hence, you can learn at the right speed. He will also provide additional support that will assist you to deal with any challenges you may be having while training.

Therefore, if you want to pick a Muay Thai trainer, you should be careful. Check out their qualifications and wealth of experience. Additionally, look at the reviews of their previous customers to know the ease of learning through such a trainer.

In a nutshell, it is hard to learn Muay Thai because this martial art requires lots of time and training. Furthermore, you can experience lots of pain when practicing this art. So, you should be set to handle the difficulty involved in Muay Thai and master the art.

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