How Much Baht Do You Need for a Week in Thailand?

When traveling to a new place for vacation, most individuals are often bothered about how much they need to spend during their stay. Without a doubt, this concern also applies to visiting Thailand. So, this brings us to an important question – how much Baht do you need to stay in Thailand for a week?

Firstly, you should realize that there’s no one-size-fits-all budget for staying in Thailand or another country for one week. You can expend a considerable high or low budget based on your specific lifestyle and other factors. Nevertheless, around 22,000 THB (about 650 USD) should be enough for a single person to live comfortably in Thailand for 7 days.

What are the things you’re likely going to spend money on? How much should you budget for each activity? We’ve all the answers in this article.

Estimated budget for staying in Thailand for a week

Basically, the Thai Baht (THB) is the official currency of Thailand and 1 THB is currently worth around 34 USD at the moment. To have an idea of how much you should prepare to spend in a week in this Southeast Asian country, we’ll use estimates provided by

After considering the cost of accommodation, local transportation, food, and other basic things, a single individual should budget about 22,785 (around 650 USD) for a seven-day stay in Thailand. Notably, some individuals may spend significantly lower or higher than the estimated amount.

Factors affecting the overall cost of a one-week stay in Thailand

As mentioned earlier, the cost of staying in the Land of Smile varies from one individual to another. This is because of the differences in the experience each individual wants to have in the country.

According to,, and other sources, the following factors will have an impact on your travel expenses:

  • Lifestyle

Without a doubt, your lifestyle is one of the biggest factors that’ll affect how much Baht you’ll spend in Thailand. If you like clubbing, smoking, nightlife, and other things, you’re going to spend more during your stay in Thailand than someone who doesn’t. This is because these activities are expensive in the country. 

Foreign alcoholic drinks are heavily taxed in this Southeast Asian nation. For instance, the price of a bottle of wine is usually around 1200 THB (35 USD). Therefore, it’s not surprising that it costs a lot of money to take booze in Thailand. Although cigarettes are cheap in Thailand, they can still add up to something if you smoke a lot of them.

Going to go-go bars, nightclubs, etc. can also contribute to your cost of living during your short stay in Thailand.

  • Choice of accommodation

Where do you intend to stay in Thailand? Would you like to save money and stay in a low-budget hostel or guesthouse? If yes, you can find one for just a bit over 100 THB (3 USD) per day, but such an option will lack some basic amenities and may require sharing with others. A more affordable budget-friendly hotel will cost about 600 to 1,000 THB (about 18 to 29 USD) per day.

To enjoy an air-conditioned room with other nice facilities in a mid-range hotel, budget around 1,500 THB (44 USD) per day. Luxury resorts and hotels, on the hand, will cost you more than 3,000 THB (88 USD) per day.

  • Location

Another crucial factor is the city/area you want to stay in the country. Like other places around the world, the cost of living in different Thai cities varies. Hence, it’s not strange that you’ll spend more in some places than others. Generally, Bangkok, which is the capital city, is considered by many as the most expensive place to stay in Thailand. Phuket and other coastal cities also tend to be costly.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your budget during a 7-day visit to the Land of Smile, consider staying in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and other affordable places. Unfortunately, these areas don’t have as many amenities and activities as the more expensive options.

Even in the same city, some areas are pricier to live in than others. For example, staying in the affluent neighborhoods in Bangkok will cost you more than staying in the suburbs of the same city.

  • Choice of food

In Thailand, you can rest assured that you’ll eat well, but how much are you ready to spend? Expectedly, local dishes are cheap in the country. With just 150 THB (less than 5 USD), you can take care of your feeding for a whole day by eating from street food stalls.

If you prefer local food from decent restaurants, you should have a budget of about 500 THB (almost 16 USD) for three meals per day. However, international cuisines are more expensive and could cost more than 1,500 THB (44 USD) daily.

  • Tourist activities

As a popular tourist nation, Thailand has lots of tourist attractions for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re in Phuket, Bangkok, Pattaya, etc., rest assured that there are attractions you can see during your visit. Temples, parks, bars, and lots more are found in different parts of the country. You can participate in watersports, sightseeing, island hopping, etc.

As expected, most of these activities and attractions aren’t free. This means that you have to spend money to enjoy them. If you want to take delight in a few of these things, you should budget around 1,500 THB (44 USD) for the same days. However, in case you want to enjoy boat cruises and other costly adventures, you may spend more than 10,000 THB (around 295 USD) during your stay.

Choice of location transportation, travel time, and shopping are other things that affect how much you’ll spend during a seven-day visit to Thailand.

In a nutshell, there’s no easy way to determine the exact amount you’ll spend when you’re in Thailand. Visiting Thailand for seven days can be quite expensive or cheap. Everything depends on the things you want to enjoy as well as the compromises you’re ready to make during your short stay in this popular Southeast Asian country.

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