How Much is a Nice Hotel in Thailand

Since Thailand is often visited by lots of foreigners from different parts of the world, the hostel business is always booming in the country. The hotels in the country come in various sizes, star ratings, and price ranges. Perhaps you are coming to Thailand; you may want to know how much a nice hotel will cost you in the country.

Foremost, let’s assume that a nice hotel is one with basic facilities that can make life comfortable for every visitor. However, it can be quite challenging to determine the cost as the prices of hotel rooms vary greatly depending on some vital factors. Based on our research on, you should budget around 50 USD (1650 Thai baht) for a room in a nice hotel, but you may spend slightly more or less.

When it comes to things like hotels, the tastes of people differ. So, what you consider to be a nice hotel may not be the same with someone else. Nevertheless, we will try to look at various things to consider when looking at the prices of a nice hotel room in Thailand.

How much do hotel rooms cost in Thailand?

A nice hotel in Thailand will be at least a 3-star hotel. Based on this, we are going to consider the data from to find the average cost of hotel rooms in the country.

According to the data, here are the average cost of a hotel room per night in Thailand:

Based on the prices of 3-star hotels in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, and other cities and towns in Thailand, the average price of a room is about $57 per night. Of course, you will likely spend more than this in some locations and lower than this amount in other places.

If you want to stay in a room in a 4-star hotel in Thailand, you should budget an average of 110 USD per night. Expectedly, the number and quality of the amenities in a 4-star hotel will be better than those of a 3-star hotel. Many 4-star hotels are found in Phuket, Bangkok, and a few other places in the country.

Without a doubt, a room in a 5-star hotel is a luxury that only some people can afford. Notably, 5-star hotels are not many in Thailand, but you should budget about $254 for a room per night in one of them. Depending on the kind of amenities you want, the cost can be as high as over $800 per night.

Factors determining the cost of hotel rooms in Thailand

Although the figures above can help you to have an idea of the cost of a nice hotel in Thailand, some factors will determine the actual cost. So, let’s check the factors determining the actual cost of a room in a hotel room in the Land of Smiles:

  • Location

The first factor that will determine the cost of a nice hotel room in Thailand is the location. A hotel room in Bangkok will not cost the same amount as a similar room in Koh Phangan. Even within the same city, the prices will differ depending on the proximity to the city center or the major tourist attractions in the location. So, if you want to get a room in a nice hotel close to popular temples, amusement parks, museums, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, etc., you should be ready to spend a lot. This is because there is usually a high demand for such hotels; hence, the price will be high.

  • Seasonality

Thailand is a popular holiday destination. But some seasons are friendlier to tourists than the others. During the peak period, the prices of hotel rooms will increase significantly. But if you visit Thailand from June to October (low season), the hotel prices would have fallen. So, the same hotel room may have different costs at varying periods.

  • Cleanliness

Of course, a nice hotel must be clean. Therefore, if a hotel is not neat, many people will not be willing to stay there unless the price is ridiculously low. Therefore, cleanliness is another essential factor that affects the price of a hotel.

  • Amenities

Does the hotel have a Wi-Fi connection, TVs, etc.? Is there an on-site swimming pool or gym center for the visiting customers? Are modern security systems used for locking and unlocking the rooms? These are just a few questions that can assist you to determine the amenities available in a hotel. The more amenities in a hotel, the higher the price.

  • The type of room

Within a hotel, there are different types of rooms. Generally, some of the rooms may be larger and capable of taking more people than the others. Even the beds, chairs, TVs, and other items inside some specific rooms may be better than the items available in others. As a consequence of this, some room types in a hotel may be more expensive than others.

Tips to finding the best deals on a hotel room in Thailand

So, if you are ready to get the best deals on a hotel room in the Land of Smiles, you should do the following:

  • Check out the prices of different hotels on 12GO Asia,, and other popular sites. Compare the prices, locations, and amenities before choosing any hotel.
  • Do you have anyone that recently visited your destination in Thailand? If yes, you should not hesitate to get recommendations about the best hotel deals in the place.
  • If you are already in Thailand, you can visit hotels to see their amenities yourself. This can also afford you the opportunity to haggle prices as you may get the best deals through this.

The prices of nice hotel rooms in Thailand vary based on where the hotel is and what you are looking for. Nevertheless, you should budget at least 50 USD for a nice hotel in this Southeast Asian country.

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