How Much Should I Tip A Masseuse While Visiting Thailand?

Thailand is an astonishing country with a plethora of natural and man-made attractions that you can hardly find in other places around the globe. This country is popularly known as one of the best countries to enjoy Thai massages from the best masseuses and masseurs. However, most international tourists are often bothered about how much they should tip a masseuse after getting a massage in Thailand.

Basically, there is no rule for determining the specific amount to tip a masseuse when visiting Thailand. You can give a particular percentage of the service charge or amount to the masseur or masseuse. Regardless of the amount you tip, most of the massage therapists in Thailand will appreciate the gesture.

Nevertheless, you should understand some important things about tipping in Thailand. So, in this article, we will explain a wide range of things to know about tipping a masseur or masseuse in the Land of Smiles.

Is tipping necessary in Thailand?

The truth is that tipping is not universally acceptable. While service providers in some countries will expect customers to tip them, providers in other nations will not hesitate to reject tips from any customers. So, foreigners may be genuinely concerned about tipping in Thailand.

According to,, and other sources, tipping is not part of Thai culture. As a result of this, you should realize that you are not expected to tip a masseuse or masseur in Thailand. In fact, this also applies to the majority of countries in Asia. 

However, Thai people understand that tipping is common in many other countries around the world. Therefore, they know that most foreigners only tip because they think it is a good thing. Consequently, tipping is appreciated by lots of Thai masseuses or masseurs. Most people will gladly receive the tip as it can come in handy to settle some of their bills.

How much should you tip a masseuse?

Now, let’s go to the crux of the matter. Without mincing words, there is no thumb rule for deciding how much you should tip a masseuse or masseur in Thailand. Although you can give any amount that you want as a tip, some suggestions have been made by different sources. So, we will take a look at these suggestions.

As noted by, the tip amount should depend on where you are getting the massage. After receiving a massage in a high-end hotel, you should think about tipping a minimum of 10% of the service charge.  However, if you are getting a massage from a regular spa, tip around 50% of the service charge for a short message. 

On the other hand, and suggest that you should think about tipping a massage therapist at least 15% of the service charge. So, if the cost of the massage is 300 Thai baht, you should consider tipping the masseuse or masseur at least 45 Thai baht. Similarly, notes that you can tip about 10 to 15% of the service charge for the massage.

Additionally, says that you should tip around 50 to 100 Thai baht after each session of massage. The differences in the suggestions of various sources further confirm that there is no certain amount you have to tip when visiting Thailand.

Given the points above, it can be concluded the amount to tip is at your discretion. Nevertheless, you should ensure that the tip will be appreciated by the masseuse or masseur.

Why is it good to tip a masseur or masseuse in Thailand?

Tipping in Thailand is undoubtedly good because it plays some key roles. Generally, the benefits of tipping in Thailand are:

  • It helps the massage therapist financially

Most masseuses and masseurs in Thailand are poorly paid. Like many other professionals in Thailand, their wages are quite low. While it is not your responsibility to increase their take-homes, your tips can make a big difference in their incomes. Even though the tip may look small to you, it may be enough to buy the masseuse or masseur some food or pay for transportation. This is why most massage therapists in the country will appreciate the good gesture.

  • It shows your appreciation

Of course, a tip is often used to show that you appreciate the good work done by a service provider. Therefore, if you tip a masseur or masseuse, you can rest assured that the person will feel appreciated. In fact, the person will likely see it as a commendation of the services rendered. This can be an encouragement to do more when massaging the next customers.

In view of this, you can appreciate a massage therapist by tipping him or her during your visit to a massage parlor in Thailand.

Some important tips for tipping in Thailand

Apart from knowing the amount to tip in Thailand, you may also be confused about other things. Here, we will show some additional tips for tipping in this Southeast Asian country.

  • Tip the massage therapist directly

When trying to tip in Thailand, you may want to add the tip to the service cost. Unfortunately, the masseur or masseuse may not get the tip. This is because some massage shop owners will take everything for themselves whereas others may just give the masseuse a portion of the tip. Resultantly, the tip may not serve its main purpose.

According to, you should tip the masseur or masseuse directly. This is the only way to ensure that the money gets to your massage therapist.

  • Don’t argue if the masseuse refuses a tip

In a few cases, the masseuse may refuse your tip. While this is somewhat unusual, you should note that it is possible. So, if this happens, you should just accept the masseuse’s choice and don’t try to force her to take the tip.


Finally, there is no one-size-fits-all amount to tip a masseuse when visiting Thailand. Therefore, you only have to use your discretion to tip an amount that the masseur or masseuse will appreciate.

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