Is It Really Rude to Kiss in Thailand?

A kiss on the lips is considered the height of romantic expression amongst Western cultures. A kiss, or even two or three, on each cheek is a widely accepted way of greeting a person, especially in Europe. It may come as a surprise, but kissing is not a gesture that is practiced world-wide across all cultures!

Kissing, hugging, hand-holding and other public displays of romantic affection are not culturally acceptable in Thailand. It is rude to kiss your loved one on the mouth, or anywhere on their body, in public. Instead, Thai people show affection through a gentle sniff of their beloved’s cheek.

The 19th century anthropologist, Paul d’Enjoy, observed that amongst many Asian cultures, kissing was considered an “abomination”, equating to “a form of cannibalism”. In 2021, few Thai people are likely to stare in horror as you apparently eat your partner’s face. Thai people are very friendly and are generally forgiving of foreign travelers, but one should try to abide by the cultural norms of a country that you are visiting out of respect to the local people.

Kissing is not universal

There are around 650 million people – roughly 10% of the world’s population – who never kiss. It is a human behavior that did not evolve universally, across all cultures. Thailand is one such culture. That is not to say that Thai people are not warm or affectionate!

It is common to see female friends and relatives walking together holding hands, or male friends putting an arm around one another casually in social settings, but Thai people do not hug or kiss one another. They have different ways of greeting and showing affection.

PDA in Thailand

Public displays of affection (PDA) – hugging, kissing, and holding hands with your romantic partner in public places – are just not something that is done in Thailand. When couples hold hands, hug, or kiss each other in public it is considered inappropriate, rude, and even offensive by the local onlookers.

In most Asian cultures, one’s body is viewed as sacred. The head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body, as this is where the soul resides. Understanding this, it is easy to see why smooshing faces with your partner in the streets is unacceptable.

What is a Thai kiss?

Homm Kaem is the Thai version of a kiss. Homm literally translates to “nice smell”, and the term Nuea Homm meaning “fragrant skin” is used for a man or woman who is attractive.

It is done by pressing the nose to the other person’s cheek and giving them a sniff. The duration and intensity of the sniff conveys different meanings. It goes without saying that good hygiene is very important in Thai culture!

A homm is a more indirect way of showing affection than a kiss. Breathing in another person’s scent is a romantic, sweet gesture. Thai people are known for being the best smelling people on earth – likely due to this practice.

Homm is practiced by people of all ages. Thai parents show love for their children throughout life with a homm on their head or cheek, and lovers homm each other passionately.

In Thailand, a mouth-to-mouth kiss is called a joop and is considered very scandalous! It is much more polite to homm your loved one.

Other Thai cultural taboos

Travelling around the world experiencing new places and cultures is a huge privilege, and we should always try to honor the hospitality of local people by respecting their cultural etiquette. Thai people will appreciate your consideration, and you will avoid any potentially awkward situations!

  • Do not hug. Avoid hugging, handshaking or any other physical contact when greeting a Thai person. A warm smile and a wai – placing the hands together at your heart and bowing the head – is a polite, friendly greeting. Ignoring a wai is rude!
  • Do not touch another person’s head. This is the ultimate disrespect, as the head is the most sacred part of the body. Even ruffling a child’s hair is inappropriate. Never touch a Thai person’s head.
  • Do not show the soles of your feet. The soles of the feet are considered the dirtiest part of the body, thus showing someone the bottom of your feet is very rude. When seated, try to keep your feet from pointing in anyone’s direction, and sit so that your soles are not showing.
  • Do not eat with a fork. In Thailand, eat with your spoon and use the fork to rake the food onto the spoon. It is rude to put the fork in your mouth. Use chop sticks for noodle dishes.
  • Do not wear revealing clothing. Thailand is a conservative country, and tourists should avoid wearing revealing shirts, short shorts, and swimsuits in public places. Bikinis and swimwear are appropriate on the beach or at a pool.
  • Do not show strong emotions. No matter how angry, frustrated, or disappointed you are, one should never show these strong emotions in public. Avoid raising your voice or losing your cool. Thai people strongly believe in the rule of “saving face”.
  • Do not pass things with your left hand. Use your right hand to hand an object to someone or when paying, as the left hand is seen as dirty because it is used to wipe when we go to the toilet.
  • Never disrespect the king. Thailand is a monarchy, and one must be respectful of the king. Showing open disrespect for the king is an offence that can land you in prison, although this law is controversial. To be on the safe side, respectfully stop when the National Anthem is played 8:00 and 18:00 daily, show respect to the royal family, and avoid making negative comments about the king.

Thailand is traditionally conservative, but as Western cultural influence increases, things are slowly changing. In big cities like Bangkok and in places with many tourists like Bali, attitudes towards couples that hold hands, kiss or hug in public are more relaxed. But be mindful and considerate when visiting culturally significant places like temples or if you visit smaller villages and less touristy places.

Thai couple hold World Record for the longest kiss

One married Thai couple certainly do not share the older generation’s views on PDA. Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat hold the Guiness World Record for the longest kiss ever – 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds! The couple were reportedly exhausted after their two-and-a-half-day Valentine’s kiss, during which they remained standing, drank through a straw, and even went to the toilet, all while locking lips! I think a homm sounds more romantic.


Kissing, hugging, or holding your partner’s hand in public is considered rude in Thailand. So is kissing someone on the cheek or hugging them as a greeting. Respect Thai cultural etiquette, by not touching people in general.

Instead, give a warm smile, place your hands together at your chest and give a small bow of the head or wai. This is the traditional way to greet a person in Thailand. Thai people express their love for one another by pressing their nose to their partner’s cheek and sniffing them. This is called a homm.

Set yourself apart from the tourists that are just there for the cheap markets and Instagram-worthy beaches. Before your trip to Thailand, learn a bit about the history of the country and Thai etiquette, so that you can show the local people how much you appreciate visiting their beautiful country and experiencing their fascinating culture.

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