Is It Safe to Drive a Motorbike in Bangkok?

Despite all the numerous government safety rules and initiatives over the years, you still get to hear or witness accidents, the majority of which always involve a motorcyclist. Because of that and all the advantages that come with riding a motorbike in the city of Bangkok, one can’t help but wonder if it is safe to own, rent, and ride one, especially in a very busy city.

As a tourist or first-time traveler who enjoys the thrills of commuting on a bike, and is not familiar with the streets of this big city, this is one of the most commonly asked questions.

Is It Safe to Drive a Motorbike in Bangkok?

Although the traffic in Bangkok is a very serious one, driving a motorbike should be safe if you stick to the safety measures laid out by the officials. Driving a motorbike in Bangkok could turn out to be one of the most enjoyable activities throughout your stay, especially as it is very convenient to move about in your desired location as you pass through breath-taking sceneries. It is also cost-effective.

Above all, if you haven’t driven a motorcycle or motor scooter before then Bangkok is not the best place to try it for the first time. In the whole world, Thailand is the country with the second-highest rate of motor-related deaths.

However, irrespective of your driving skills and experiences, you should have it in the back of your mind that driving a motorbike in Thailand is quite different from driving in other countries. In Thailand, there are some unique precautionary measures you should take. Of course, these safety measures still apply to you if it will be your first time driving a motorbike.

Below are some tips for safely driving a motorbike in Bangkok. Adhering to them will greatly increase your chances of not getting into an accident.

Always wear a helmet

This is the very first rule of driving a motorbike in any part of the world and still applies to Bangkok. You may come across motorbike drivers without helmets and may even be persuaded to ride without one, for your safety please do not. These drivers are Thai locals who are already accustomed to every route and riding without a helmet. Also driving without a helmet in the eyes of the law is illegal and could get you penalized. Wearing a helmet will always reduce the risk of having a head injury should you be unfortunate.

Avoid blind curves

The streets of Bangkok are always flooded with vehicular movements and as such, you should never let your guard down when driving a motorbike. In some cases, some Thai motorbike drivers seize the opportunity to take shortcuts by zooming off through the opposite bike lane in bending corners. This could be catastrophic for drivers on the opposite side of the lane if he or she does not pay utmost attention to the road, because there will be little or no room for adjustments especially when cars are moving on your right.

Being on the safe side will involve taking special care when taking turns in corners where you can’t see what’s happening in the opposite direction. Always be on the left side of the road, within the road lines if you must take blind curves, and not outside the lines.

Always look both ways before zooming off after a green traffic light

One can’t be too careful when driving in Bangkok, therefore, endeavor to always observe both ways before zooming off even though you see a green traffic light. Be more careful at the moment when the light just turned green, or when driving at night (highly not recommended to first-timers or visitors).

Your motorbike speed should be at 40 to 60 km/hr (maximum)

Unless you are a highly skilled motorcyclist, experienced in driving big bikes on highways, your speed level should always be at 40 to 60 km/hr – even smaller in some cases especially when driving through tight streets potentially having people walking around. Maintaining a speed limit such as this will help you navigate through unexpected circumstances. It will also help you better observe your surroundings, identify interesting scenery, and spot shops, food stalls, and temples.

Do not drive motorbikes at night

Except it is very necessary, one should avoid driving motorbikes at night. Being a tourist/traveler, there’s rarely any need to drive after sunset as there are other transportation alternatives like tuk-tuks, taxis, sky trains, and underground transportation systems. Driving at night will require you to take greater caution as there are possibilities of running into a drunk driver, especially during late nights, weekends, and holidays. If you are not used to driving in Bangkok, try not to drive at night. As the adage goes – ‘prevention is far better than cure’.

Can You Rent A Motorbike in Bangkok?

Renting a motorbike is a preferable option to renting a car in Bangkok. As it is very convenient for driving through narrow streets while feeling the refreshing presence of nature around you. renting a motorbike is quite affordable and may vary with different companies, however, expect to pay between $5 – $10 per day, that is 174 to 3488 Thai Baht.

Some companies even offer discounts on a weekly or monthly rate, this is the perfect deal if you plan on staying in Bangkok for a longer period. Always make sure your rental price covers insurance as it will be a bad idea to drive a rental motorbike without insurance in a foreign country because motor accidents are very common in Bangkok.

Where Can You Rent a Motorbike in Bangkok?

Arriving flights in Bangkok from outside the country will land at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, whereas domestic flights may land at Don Muang Airport. Unlike car rental companies, there are no motorbike rental companies around these airports, and as such you will have to go into the city using a taxi to be able to rent a motorbike.

Once in the city, there are lots of motorbike rental shops to choose from, especially in areas such as Thung Wat Don, Bang Kapi, and Watthana. Initiating a quick google search for the nearest motorbike rental shop near you will go a long way in helping you to easily find one; the city is full of them.

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