Is Living in Phuket Cheap?

Known as the biggest island in Thailand, Phuket is a magnificent holiday destination with around 600,000 residents. More than 20% of the individuals living in this coastal city are foreigners. Phuket is one of the best places to live in this Southeast Asian country. As you’re thinking about residing in the city, you might be wondering if Phuket is cheap.

There’s no straightforward answer to this question because your perspective will affect what you consider to be cheap or expensive. If you’re coming from an expensive city, Phuket will seem like a very cheap place to live for you. However, those coming from low-cost cities in Thailand or other countries will consider Phuket to be expensive.

Regardless, most ex-pats believe Phuket is a cheap city to stay in, and this is why lots of retirees and nomads are settling down on the island. Let’s add figures to the cost of living in Phuket.

How cheap is Phuket compared to other places?

One of the most reliable ways to determine the cheapness of a city is to compare it to other places. surveyed almost 9,300 cities in different countries around the globe. According to the global ranking, Phuket is the 7237th cheapest place to live in the world; hence, it’s in the top 22% of the most affordable locations on the planet.

The survey estimates that you need an average of 637 USD (21,021 THB) per month to live comfortably in this Thai city. As stated by, a foreigner can live enjoyably in Phuket with at least 710 USD (23,430 THB) per month. An average local, on the other hand, can reside comfortably on the island with around 450 USD (14,850 THB) per month.

When compared to Western cities such as New York City, London, San Francisco, Berlin, Sidney, Melbourne, Stockholm, Los Angeles, etc., this Thai island is quite cheap. Dubai, Singapore City, Beijing, Male, and Hong Kong are also more expensive to reside in than Phuket. Without mincing words, the cost of living in some of the aforementioned cities is more than 5 times higher than Phuket’s living cost.

However, if you’re a local, you may feel Phuket is expensive. It’s the 3rd most expensive place to live in Thailand. In comparison to Chittagong, Palembang, Depok, Kolkata, Bandung, Chennai, Maoming, Lucknow, and many cities within the same region, says Phuket is costlier to live in. Nevertheless, 

How much to spend on different things in Phuket?

Assuming you’re ready to stay in Phuket, here’s the breakdown of what you’ll likely spend money on.

  • Housing

As expected, you cannot live in Phuket without finding a place to stay. If you’re going to stay an extended period, your best bet is renting an apartment, as booking a hotel room will be too expensive in the long run. Fortunately, the island has a wide range of accommodation options for its residents.

If you’re looking for someone affordable yet comfortable, a budget of 310 USD (10,230 THB) per month should be enough for a nice-looking condo, according to Such a place will have all the basic amenities that can make living enjoyable for you. notes the monthly rent of such an apartment will go for around 314 USD (10,375 THB) outside of the city center and 423 USD (13,970 THB) around the city center.

Do you want a bigger and more luxurious apartment in the most affluent areas of the city? If yes, you should be willing to spend around 1,000 USD (33,000 THB) or even more per month.

Along with rent, you shouldn’t forget to consider monthly utilities, such as water, electricity, garbage removal, cleaning, and lots more. Remember that the bigger the house, the higher your utility bills.

  • Food

Like other places, food comes at different prices in Phuket. If you’re going to stay on the island for a long time, it’s advisable to consider eating some local dishes as they’re usually cheap. Also, cooking at home is relatively more affordable than eating out at restaurants. You just need to go to one of the local markets to get food ingredients at cheap prices.

When it comes to eating out, the options are many. Local, budget-friendly restaurants are the cheapest choice. With 3 USD (100 THB), you can eat a nice meal. Cheaper dishes are even available at street food stalls.

At a mid-range local restaurant, 6 USD (200 THB) should get you something palatable. However, if you want to eat at a mid-range or high-end international restaurant, you may have to spend around 15 USD (500 THB) per meal.

  • Transportation

According to, transportation isn’t too costly or cheap in Phuket. The overall cost will depend on how often you go out and where you commute to. With less than 1 USD (around 30 THB), you can easily move from one location to another. Getting a monthly pass can even save you lots of money in the long run.

If you want to be in control of your movement, consider buying or renting a car or motorbike. Although gasoline is quite expensive in Phuket, this option ensures you don’t have to wait for public transport when going out or returning home.

  • Health

When coming to Phuket, make sure you purchase health insurance. This is because paying for health from your pocket can be quite expensive in the city. Therefore, get premium insurance and enjoy amazing healthcare services. Notably, the cost will depend on the type of insurance you want to buy.

  • Leisure and entertainment

Do you want to hit the gym regularly during your stay in Phuket? Are you interested in visiting different attractions? Do you love going to nightclubs, bars, music shows, etc.? If yes, you’ll have to increase your budget a bit, as these activities can be quite expensive on the island. It’s noteworthy that you may not spend on these activities every week or month; hence, your budget for them will vary.

Apart from the essential activities above, you may also have to budget for miscellaneous, such as shopping. Expectedly, they may not be monthly recurring budgets, but they’ll still have an impact on your living cost in Phuket.


In a nutshell, Phuket is cheap if you’re from an affluent country where you spend lots of money on day-to-day living. However, if you come from a low- or middle-income country, the island may seem like an expensive place to live in.

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