What Does 555 Mean in Thailand?

Have you ever chatted with a Thai person for an extended period? If yes, you probably would have come across the slang “555”. So, you might be wondering what 555 means in Thailand and why many Thais use it in their conversations. Well, we have the perfect answer for you in this post; you just need to continue reading.

In simple words, 555 is a common slang used in texts and instant message chats by lots of Thais. This slang is used as a way to say ‘haha ha’. In other words, it means that you are trying to show the other person that something or someone is funny to you. Therefore, whenever you see 555 in a chat with a Thai, you should note that it is another way of saying “lol” like an English speaker or “w w w” like a Japanese speaker.

Basically, 555 is an internet slang often used by Thais as an indication of a funny person or activity. You are likely going to see this slang when chatting with someone from Thailand. So, when next you see this slang, you now understand what the person is trying to say.

What did 555 come from in the Thai language?

After noting what 555 denotes in conversations with Thais, you would probably want to know where this slang came from. Regardless of your language, ha-ha-ha has a single meaning, which is to show that something is funny.

In the Thai language, the number “5” is pronounced as Kha (Ha). Therefore, when Thai say “5 5 5”, the term will be pronounced as “ha ha ha”. As a result of this, it is not strange that 555 is a Thai way of saying “lol”.

555 is only used in informal chats

One of the things you need to know about 555 is that you can only find it in informal chats. In other words, Thais do not say “555” in their face-to-face conversations. Furthermore, they do not use slang in formal settings. However, if you are chatting with a Thai friend, colleague, or family member, the person will likely use 555.

Some of the common places to find 555 include:

  • Social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Instagram messaging apps such as WhatsApp, LINE, and so on
  • Thai blogs, forums, and other online platforms

As long as the platform is informal, you can easily find people using 555 on it. You may want to read more about where you can use 555 here.

When can I use 555?

This is another common question about the use of 555. The truth is that you can use 555 in all informal settings. As noted by a few Quora users, lots of teenagers and young adults use 555 in almost all their online conversations with others. This is because the use of 555 offers some benefits including:

  • To make your chat less stiffy

Typically, English speakers use “lol” regularly in online conversations to ensure that their chats are less serious, stiffy, or boring. Without a doubt, 555 also performs the same function when Thais are chatting. This slang makes the other person know that the chat is casual and not too serious.

  • To make your conversation less offensive

Have you ever written something that seemed offensive to the other person? If yes, you could make it less offensive by just adding “lol” or “ha ha ha” at the end. This is the same way Thais use 555 in some conversations. This slang reduces the gravity of the previous chats; thus, making sure that the chat is considered to be less offensive.

  • To make others know that you are joking

Chats are quite different from physical conversations. The other person does not see you. As a consequence of this, the person cannot interpret your body language. To deal with the awkwardness involved in online chats, we often add “lol”, “ha ha ha” or some funny emojis at the end of our chats. With this, it will be easy for other people to know that we are joking.

In Thailand, people use 555 for this particular function. It makes others know that you are joking.

Should a foreigner use 555?

When chatting with Thais, many foreigners have varying questions about the use of 555. Is 555 only meant to be used by Thais? Can foreigners use 555? Is using 555 offensive as a foreigner? If you are a foreigner and want to use 555, you should note that it is entirely good to do so.

Without mincing words, no Thai will find it offensive or inappropriate that a foreigner is using 555. In addition, there is no cultural misappropriation in the use of this slang. In fact, many Thais like it when a foreigner follows their habits and use 555 or other common things in Thai pop culture. Therefore, you can go ahead to utilize 555 as you chat with a Thai as it is an excellent and endearing way to relate with Thais online.

555 could mean something else in another language

While 555 means funny in the Thai language, you need to understand that it could mean something else in other languages. In the Chinese language, the numeral value “5” is usually pronounced as “Wu”. So, when you write “555”, it could be loosely translated as “wu wu wu”. Unfortunately, this will be considered to mean that you are whining or crying in China.

However, in some other languages, 5-5-5 could have other meanings. Therefore, you should be careful when trying to use 555 in a chat with anyone on the internet.


Now, you know that 555 means funny in the Thai language. It can be regarded as a Thai way of saying “lol” or “ha-ha-ha”. So, whenever you see 555 in a conversation with a Thai, you must note that this person is trying to show that someone is funny. As a foreigner, you can also use this slang in chats with Thais.

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