Will Your Phone Work in Thailand? What You Must Know

Traveling to a new country is always an exciting experience! However, without a working phone, you might feel disconnected from your loved ones back home. You may even struggle to find your way around or communicate while overseas without a working phone. If you’re traveling to Thailand, this is what you need to know about using your phone while abroad.

There are two ways to connect your mobile phone to a cellular carrier while traveling abroad in Thailand. The first method for network-locked devices is to use your service provider’s roaming service to remain connected overseas. Another method is to buy a prepaid sim card in Thailand to use in your unlocked device while traveling.

In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about using your phone in Thailand. From why you need a phone with a cellular connection while traveling abroad to how you can get connected in Thailand, this is what you must know!

Why You Need a Working Phone While Travelling

Traveling overseas is a great experience! By seeing a new country and experiencing a culture different from our own, we are able to broaden our horizons through our travels – both literally and figuratively. While the memories you make while traveling will last a long time, you won’t be able to easily share those experiences with your loved ones back home without a fully functional phone.

While traveling can improve your communication skills where other cultures are concerned, you might feel a bit cut off from the world you know without a signal on your mobile phone. After all, modern mobile phones have many great functions, but many of these require a stable connection to the internet.

If you’re traveling to a new country, such as Thailand, you might need to use online maps to get around, you might need to call a taxi or uber, and you may even need to use a translating app to better your communication while overseas. However, this all requires a phone that has internet connectivity.

While you’re in Thailand, there’s a good chance that your local accommodation will offer a Wi-Fi connection for you to use. Unfortunately, if you’re predominantly relying on this internet connection, you’ll only be able to use your mobile phone and its features while you’re at your accommodation.

Furthermore, while a Wi-Fi hotspot can be great for saving your data while browsing the internet, it’s not always a secure connection. For example, logging into your online banking while connected to an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot is not a good idea as you could expose yourself to risk.

In fact, tech experts warn that you don’t even need to access your banking accounts over unsecured Wi-Fi networks to expose yourself to online-based threats. Therefore, especially when you are traveling abroad, it’s important that you have access to a cellular network to protect yourself against potential threats that could arise.

When it comes down to traveling, especially to a foreign country, a working phone should be considered a necessity. When you’re successfully connected to a cellular network, you’ll find your foreign adventure that much easier, safer, and pleasant to navigate.

While some people may consider phones a distraction, it would ultimately be more of a distraction to not have a working phone while traveling. As discussed above, relying solely on unsecured Wi-Fi networks could land you in some trouble while traveling.

The ability of your phone to function in different territories, however, depends on a few key factors. It’s important that you consider these factors before your trip so that you know whether or not your phone can function while you’re overseas. This way, you’ll be prepared no matter what your adventure abroad throws your way.

Luckily, you’re reading the right article ahead of your trip to Thailand! Keep reading as we break down everything you need to know about staying connected while exploring Thailand’s rich culture and breathtaking landscapes.

How Easy is it Staying Connected in Thailand?

Over the years, Thailand has built a strong reputation for itself as a world-class tourist destination. In 2019, before the Coronavirus pandemic halted international travel, Thailand welcomed a whopping total of 39.92 million visitors from across the globe into their slice of paradise.

This visitor statistic saw an increase in the total number of visitors from the preceding years, with more than two million additional tourists visiting with each passing year. Of course, the coronavirus pandemic disrupted this trend, with only 6 million visitors being to visit the country during 2020, mostly within the first three months of the year.

Nonetheless, those visiting Thailand – no matter where they come from – need to ensure that they’ll be able to use their mobile phones while visiting this tropical Southeast Asian country. If they didn’t, there would be millions of tourists each month struggling to communicate or get around while there.

Luckily, due to Thailand’s reputation as a top-notch travel destination, they’ve ensured they have the cellular connectivity to match! This way, you’ll be able to get the most of your travels and explore anything and everything this beautiful holiday destination has to offer you.

As discussed earlier in this article, it’s always a good idea to research different aspects of a country before your visit so that you are adequately prepared. This includes finding out whether your phone will work while you’re traveling. We’ll guide you through this process in this article.

If you’re reading this article at your overseas lodging using the included Wi-Fi connection, it’s not too late to get properly connected to make the most of your trip. Unless you’re roaming the tranquil Thai countryside, you’ll be able to get your hands on a working phone or sim card with relevant ease. 

Once you’re connected to a cellular service – be it through roaming or buying a local prepaid sim card – you’ll experience good connectivity throughout the country. From cities to the resort islands to the countryside, you won’t have any trouble staying connected with good coverage once your phone is working properly.

Whether you’re still planning your travels to Thailand or you’re already there basking in the beauty, you’ll be able to get your phone connected to a secure cellular network with one of the aforementioned methods. Keep reading as we guide you through the different ways you can accomplish this.

Can You Use Your Phone in Thailand?

When it comes down to your phone, it will either be ‘locked’ or ‘unlocked’. This factor will determine the best way for you to remain connected while you are traveling. If you’re not sure what these terms mean, allow us to explain!

When your smartphone is ‘locked’, it means that a technical restriction has been placed on your device itself, preventing you from using sim cards from a carrier other than your cellular provider. When your phone is ‘unlocked’, on the other hand, it will be compatible with other sim cards from different network providers.

Luckily, there’s a simple way to find out whether or not your phone is locked before you travel. Simply find a friend or family member who uses a different mobile carrier than you. If you put their sim card in your phone and it works, your device is unlocked. If a sim card from a different provider does not work, however, your device is locked.

Let’s take a look at the different connectivity options available to you.

Staying Connected Abroad with a Locked Device

When you’re traveling, it’s always best to ensure your smartphone will work properly before you go on vacation. That way, you can enjoy your holiday to the fullest without having to concern yourself with unnecessary admin when you could be lying on a tropical beach!  Luckily doing this is easier than ever, regardless of which country you are visiting from.

The majority of modern phones will be compatible to use overseas with roaming services, even if your device is locked. Most cellular providers across the globe offer roaming services, which allows their customers to use their phones while outside their geographical coverage zone.

To inquire about this service and to activate it before your travels, you simply need to call your service provider or visit a branch to speak to a representative. This option is best for those with smartphones that are ‘locked’ into a service provider. When a phone has been “network locked”, you will not be able to use different sim cards with your mobile.

While the roaming services offered by cellular providers can often be on the pricey side, it’ll ensure that you stay connected while traveling abroad. This method will also work for those with unlocked devices, however, there are potentially cheaper ways to stay connected with unlocked devices.

For those with devices that are network locked, roaming is the only way to use your locked device with a cellular connection while traveling abroad. However, you could always use an old device that is unlocked or purchase an unlocked device to use while traveling in order to stay connected.

Staying Connected Abroad with an Unlocked Device

If your cellular device is unlocked, you’ll be able to purchase a local prepaid sim card while traveling abroad – one that will actually work with your device. Luckily, there are many different ways to do this when you’re visiting Thailand. You’re guaranteed to be connected in no time!

One method is purchasing a prepaid travel sim online before your trip to Thailand. There are many different packages available online, allowing you to find the correct package for your needs. These packages even include uncapped usage of social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more – allowing you to stay connected for longer and cheaper.

If you don’t purchase your sim card before your travels, you’ll still be able to purchase a sim for your unlocked device while you’re there. Many of Thailand’s major airports will have sim cards available for purchase. Some local service providers may even have sim card promotions for tourists available at the airport. 

If you don’t get a Thai sim card before your travels or at the airport, you can rest assured you’ll find one at any convenience store. At these stores, you’ll have the option of buying prepaid sim cards from all the local carriers. You’ll be able to simply top these up as needed throughout the duration of your travels.

For those with locked devices, they’ll be able to purchase an unlocked phone easily in Thailand, which will be compatible with all the local carriers. All phones sold in Thailand are unlocked. The benefit of purchasing an unlocked phone is that you’ll be able to use it to stay connected in your future travels, regardless of where you go.

How Do You Get Mobile Data in Thailand?

If you purchase a travel sim card online, you’ll be able to manage your mobile data using their online portal. If you purchase a local sim card while in Thailand, however, you’ll need to get mobile data locally.

To get more mobile data for a local Thai sim card, you can either visit any convenience store or one of your Thai service provider’s shops. When you purchase a top-up voucher, it will have instructions on how to load the data onto your sim card.

Tips for Travelling Abroad with Your Smartphone 

Now that we’ve looked at the different ways to ensure that you’ll have a working phone while traveling across Thailand, we’re going to give you some tips for getting the most from your visit using your mobile phone!

#1 Foreign Communication Made Easy

In this technological age we live in, it has never been easy to communicate with people from other cultures. There are many great phone applications that you can download to aid you in translating to and from certain languages when you face a communication barrier.

When you’re traveling in Thailand, having an application like this ready can help improve your communication while overseas. From calling a cab to ordering from a menu that isn’t written in English, a translating app will work wonders for you.

#4 Turn Off Auto Updates

When you’re using cellular data overseas, you want to ensure you don’t waste it unnecessarily. Whether you’re using your own sim card overseas or using a prepaid one purchased locally, you want to ensure your data lasts for when you need it.

By turning off automatic updates on your smartphone, which updates your software and applications in the background, you can ensure you don’t use unnecessary data. This will make your data go further while you’re traveling and keep you connected.

#2 Make Sure You Have a Working Charger

Electronic plugs differ from country to country. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you have an appropriate charging brick or adapter plug that will function properly while you’re overseas. You don’t want to get there with your phone ready to be used overseas only to lose power because your charging brick is incompatible.

Luckily, if you struggle to find the right adapter, many airport electronic shops will sell these adapters. Purchasing the right adapter for the country you’re visiting will ensure you stay connected while traveling.

#3 A Power Bank Could Save the Day

While having the right charger is important, phone charges don’t last all day. Especially not if you’re traveling and snapping photos over a long day of sightseeing. The last thing you want is for your phone to die before you can snap that stunning sunset photo or call your ride home at the end of a long excursion.

By taking a portable power bank with you on holiday, you ensure that your phone works all day. While taking photos or videos on your vacation won’t drain your cellular data, it will drain your battery. Luckily, in this day and age, this is easily preventable! 


When traveling abroad, our phones can be even more useful than they already are! From helping you navigate overseas to closing communication barriers with the people you meet along the way, there are many reasons you should be connected to a cellular network while traveling.

In this article, we looked at the best ways for you to remain connected while on holiday in Thailand according to your device’s specifications. Whether you use roaming or a local sim card, you’re sure to get more out of your travels when you’re connected.

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