Mosquitoes in Thailand: Everything You Need to Know

As you start preparing to visit Thailand, you will probably come across lots of talks about the menace of mosquitoes in the Land of Smile. So, should you be afraid of visiting Thailand because of these insects? What are the things you need to know about mosquitoes in Thailand?

Firstly, mosquitoes are everywhere in Thailand. This is because Thailand has a tropical climate with high temperatures and high humidity. These conditions are perfect for mosquitoes to breed in the country. Therefore, as long as Thailand is concerned, mosquitoes are inevitable.

However, you don’t have to be afraid of mosquitoes as there are tons of things you can do to avoid them. Besides, as long as you are careful, you can enjoy your stay in Thailand without having any issues with mosquitoes. Let’s shed more light on some essential things about mosquitoes.

When can you see mosquitoes in Thailand?

In general, you can see mosquitoes throughout the year in Thailand. Therefore, no particular period is entirely free of these insects. Nonetheless, they are in abundance during and after the rainy season. So, you can expect to see lots of mosquitoes from June to October. This is because rain causes water puddles, which are where female mosquitoes lay eggs.

In addition, the most active periods of mosquitoes are around 5:30 am to 7:00 am as well as 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. However, don’t be surprised if you come across mosquitoes during other periods.

Factors affecting your experiences with mosquitoes

Two factors will affect your experiences with these insects in Thailand:

  • Where you are coming from

If you are coming from the tropics with lots of mosquitoes, you will realize that the number of mosquitoes in Thailand is not strange. In fact, there are some countries in the tropics with more mosquitoes than Thailand.

  • Where you are going or staying in Thailand

Due to the environmental conditions of some places in Thailand, they have more mosquitoes than others. So, if you are going to such areas, you want to prepare adequately to deal with these insects.

What are the common mosquito-borne diseases you can have?

Another vital thing you should note is the type of mosquito-borne disease that is common in Thailand. The most common ones include:

  • Dengue fever

In Thailand, this is the most popular mosquito-borne disease. Dengue mosquitoes and Asian tiger mosquitoes are the major carrier of dengue fever in Thailand. The most common symptoms of dengue fever include fatigue, sudden high temperature, vomiting, headache, nausea, pain behind the eyes, aching muscle and joint, etc.

  • Malaria

Carried by the anopheles mosquito, malaria is another common disease in Thailand. If left untreated for a long period, it could be life-threatening. Its symptoms usually start manifesting after about 7 to 15 days of a mosquito bite. Headache, diarrhea, fever, aching muscles, nausea, jaundice, and vomiting are some of the most notable symptoms of malaria.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these carrier mosquitoes are mostly found in forested regions close to the borders of Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos.

  • Filariasis

You can also come down with filariasis if beaten by infected mosquitoes in Thailand. The symptoms will start showing after around 5 months of the mosquito bites. However, the symptoms may never appear except you are repeatedly bitten by an infected mosquito. A few of its symptoms are headache, chills, fever, inflamed or swollen lymph nodes, and stomach pain. In rare severe cases, limbs and organs may swell.

  • Japanese encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis is also relatively common. Its symptoms usually start showing 5 to 15 days after a mosquito bite. In the majority of the cases, the experience will only feel like flu. However, in rare situations, it may become acute encephalitis, which could be life-threatening with symptoms such as seizures, distorted brain, and central nervous system, loss of consciousness, muscle paralysis, and fever.

How to protect yourself against mosquito bites in Thailand

Several individuals have lived in Thailand for numerous years without ever experiencing any mosquito-borne diseases. The trick is to protect yourself against mosquito bites. Here are some of the things to do to protect yourself:

  • Wear insect repellants

Insect repellants are some of the most popular tools against mosquitoes. They come in different forms as some can be worn around your arms, necks, etc. Regardless of the insect repellants you choose, be certain that they can protect you from mosquito bites in Thailand.

  • Don’t expose your skin

Of course, the most reliable way to prevent mosquito bites is not to allow mosquitoes to touch your bare skin. Therefore, you should protect yourself by wearing long trousers and long-sleeved tops that can cover most parts of your body. These clothing items will shield you from mosquitoes. However, this may not be reasonable in high temperatures.

It has been noted that dark-colored clothing absorbs lots of heat; hence, it can draw more mosquitos to you. So, you should also consider going light-colored clothing when and where possible.

  • Prevent mosquitoes from entering your room

Although mosquitoes can bite you anywhere, lots of bites happen inside the room. So, you should protect yourself by preventing mosquitoes from entering your room. Make sure all windows and doors are closed once it is getting late. If mosquitoes have already entered the room, use anti-insect sprays or coils to get rid of them.

  • Use mosquito nets

Mosquito nets are designed to prevent mosquitoes from coming close to you as you lie on your bed. Therefore, you should consider getting a mosquito net for your safety.

What happens if bitten by mosquitoes?

Despite the various tricks to prevent mosquito bites in Thailand, you may still be bitten by these stubborn insects. Well, you don’t have to panic or do anything unusual. You just need to take anti-malaria drugs to prevent the possible effects of the bites. You can also utilize soothing ointment to deal with the resulting itches. Similarly, increase your effort to prevent future occurrences.

However, if you experience any flu-like symptoms up to 12 months after the bites, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.

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