What Is The Most Common Job In Thailand?

A recent report (1) that uncovers the most popular jobs in Thailand depicts how the job market in Thailand is evolving. We live in a digital age, and it is of no surprise that jobs with IT roles are presently one of the most popular job fields. Everyone is defecting to the digital space, and we’ve seen companies repeatedly apply technology in workspace to keep up with the trends. Because of this, we’ve seen a spike in the demand for exceptionally skilled tech workers in 2022.

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The most popular jobs in Thailand include tech and non-tech sectors. Sales-related jobs belong to the non-tech sector and have found their way up to the top as one of the most popular jobs in Thailand. The top 5 most common jobs in Thailand are:

  • Sales
  • Engineering
  • IT
  • Accounting
  • Administrative

From small to big businesses throughout Thailand, the above listed five industries cover 70% of the available positions. Position in sales is the most common and covers 20% of the entire Job base in Thailand, this is according to JobCute, a Thailand-based job portal with a search engine system that allows people to search for their ideal jobs.

According to Sapir Matmon of JobCute, many Thailand candidates in the search for jobs appear to be enthusiasts excited to work in the sales department. Compared to sales, IT applicants are a bit lesser, and as such employers are finding it difficult to fill IT positions.

Sapir Matmon further went on to say the above-listed most common jobs in Thailand account for 57% of all the applications on JobCute. While the sales industry is booming with applications, the IT industry has to deal with a lack of applications. However, the IT industry is highly recommended by Sapir Matmon for job applicants wanting a new career path as there is less competition in the industry.

How Can I Take Advantage Of The Situation?

Whether or not you are a recent graduate or an individual seeking a career change, it will only be natural to consider one of these most popular jobs, particularly those with high demand just like IT roles. With this information out there, Job applicants can take advantage of these in-demand job positions by fully understanding that, for all job types and levels, the majority of employers will always settle for talent and experience over education. Not that education is not important but at least develop your talent by putting yourself out there to acquire certain skills and experience.

At JobCute, job positions that do not require any level of education cover 62% of their entire job listings, 13% go for job positions that require high school qualifications, 21% demand educational qualifications at a Degree Level, and just 4% demand educational qualification of the highest level such as Masters or Doctorate Degree. Taking short courses and experience will increase your skill set and make you even more knowledgeable. There’s continuous development in Thailand’s job market, job search portals present a clearer picture through job vacancies listings.

Even without having the right educational qualifications for certain job roles, being eager to learn, adapt, and have a positive attitude may just be all it takes to be successful in today’s dynamic job market. Compared to education, skills and experience are more essential, and getting specialized training will land you some certain skills. Although skills and experience could get you through the door, personality and attitude will get you the job.

In as much as you believe educational qualifications and job history can get you hired, a positive attitude may be an important factor, a discovered recipe that makes all the difference. Past work experience and certain skill sets may get you qualified for certain job roles, however, employers are always in search of optimistic and driven applicants. This is because a positive attitude contributes a lot to success as it is the backbone for excellent performance. A positive attitude can develop leadership skills, this is perfect for candidates seeking leadership roles as it is required in most jobs.

Subjected to your interests, with the right skill sets and attitude there are lots of industries you can work in and be successful. It must not have to be from the above listed most popular jobs especially if none of them are of any interest to you.

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